The Central England Co-operative is one of the largest co-operatives in the UK. A modern, forward-thinking and ethically-focused organisation, they have over 8,000 employees across 430 branches.
Let's co-operate
We love Central England Co-operative’s ethics-led approach to business so we were honoured when they asked us to work with them to document and promote their Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable development goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a blueprint for peace, prosperity, people, and planet. At its heart are 17 key goals—each an urgent call for action, which have been adopted by companies in all UN member states.
The Co-operative is committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals through their actions and business practices. We helped them document their progress and showcase their great work so far by creating their first ever Sustainability Report and a series of engaging, animated infographics.
Information is beautiful
The Co-operative used the eye-catching and easy to understand infographics we created across their social media platforms, to highlight the work they’re doing alongside their supporting partners.
We created simple and engaging animations to bring The Co-operative’s inspiring work to life. This includes their life-changing work with FairShare, that provides over 1 million meals to local communities in need and reducing their impact on the planet with less food-waste, lower emissions, and a reduction in single-use plastics.
Story telling
To help tell the story and provide context, we used everyday, recognisable objects in the info-graphics, such as tomatoes to highlight food waste, and plastic bottles to reflect the reduction in single use plastic.
The Sustainability Report
Far from being a dry, financial document, we created a flexible, fluid layout, with plenty of white space and bursting with easy-to-digest information. The statistics featured in the infographics really jump off the page and are supported by carefully sourced photos of real people living real lives.
As the report is also available as an interactive, online document, we added a simple navigation tab so it’s quick and easy to hop between the different sections.